The ULTIMATE Last Minute Gift Guide!
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It always seems like the one thing we need around the Holiday Season is the one thing no one can give us… MORE TIME. If only there was a way to gift hours of peace and quality time… what a wonderful world it would be! Well it’s still a wonderful world, we just have to MAKE the time to enjoy it. So, in an attempt to help save you some time (and money) by inspiring a few last minute gift ideas, we have compiled a collection of old Christmas photos (look at Drew’s happy little face below) that are sure to help even Santa check off any names left on his list!
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1. We all have phones these days but it’s amazing how little we call and much we text.
Though we can’t physically box up time and put a pretty bow on it, we can certainly gift others with what little of it we have by taking the time to give the gift of a simple phone call:
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100% authentic with an unlimited return (call) policy, it’s truly a gift that will fit all the most special people on your list.
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2. How about the gift of creativity!
Nothing says “I love you” more than when you take your precious time to make something special for your someone special. Whether it’s a card or a masterpiece, use whatever resources time will allow you- it’s incredible what a little glue and glitter can do!
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3. Panty hose perhaps?
Or maybe a pair of slippers… how about 1 of each!
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4. For the blogger in your life: A camera.
While the one below might be a bit outdated, we recommend the wifi-enabled Canon EOS 6D + our fave L Series 24-105 lens. What was once a Christmas gift has now turned into the closest thing we have to a child! (Notice the little brown bear stuffed into my hoodie below – another good option.)
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5. Really wanna wow someone? How about A PONY!
No one ever said it had to be real 😉
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6. Real, did you say real? If you REALLY want to give the gift of LOVE this year, stop in your nearest Humane Society be a hero and save a precious little life.
This is the kind of gift that would warm even The Grinch’s heart! Concerned about giving someone such a warm and fuzzy gift? How about making a donation in their honor! Giving the gift of life goes beyond something that fits under the Christmas Tree… or the dining room table:
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7. Something else that’s real + the perfect gift to bring along to a party = Flowers!
No host has ever been sad when presented with a beautiful bouquet of thanks! Imagine the photo below, but opposite, LOL!
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8. Maybe you’re looking for something useful, something versatile, something completely timeless… Rubber Gloves!
You just never know when they’ll come in handy:
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9. Rubber gloves aren’t it? Ok, I see, well how about A NEW VACCUUM!
Little Tykes isn’t the only one making silent, cordless vacuums these days, the Euro-Pro Shark will make any mom (or dad!) smile 🙂
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Drew looks like a vacuum salesman in little red suit!
little boy with vaccuum, little boy in red suit
10. Have a special event coming up with your special someone? Why not take the time to get them something special to wear on that special day?
It will only make it EVEN MORE special, promise.
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11. Remember how I said it would AMAZING if we could give the gift of time? Well how about sharing an activity together!
Whether it’s a coffee date, a walk in the park, an afternoon of paddle boarding, a home-cooked meal or rides to and from the airport whenever they need it (that’s a big one) – sharing your time with the ones you love is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
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12. And to top off our list… one of the most scrumptious gifts of all… Christmas treats!
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Baking is one not only one of the easiest things to do, but it’s also the sweetest (literally)! And if you want to take it up a notch go for my personal fave (great for anyone who loves a gluten-free and vegan alternative), THE RAW BROWNIE. No allergies or prefs? Go for mom’s FAMOUS cranberry bread, we’ve made it every year since I can remember…
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Hopefully this little list has put a big smile on your face and lit a fire to the yuletide log under your tush. This Christmas don’t just settle for stocking stuffers, try to give the kind of gifts that truly fill the heart, because in the end Christmas isn’t about the stuff you get, it’s about THE LOVE YOU GIVE.
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