How to plan an awesome surprise party!
I have a huge smile on my face just looking at this picture, I can’t tell who had more fun, me or Drew! As a surprise party planner you experience the immense elation that comes from an artfully and, hopefully, successfully executed plan. Whether all the parts fall flawlessly into place or the unexpected occurs and you have to change course completely, seeing the look on the other person’s face and hearing everyone yell, “Surprise!” at that one pivotal moment, has the potential to fill your heart with so much joy it could completely burst..! 🙂
He had no idea it was coming, it was amazing. Though, I should mention the fact that we did have an extremely close call: I had just gotten back from picking up the cheese cake, his favorite, and finished hanging the last lime green streamer, when all of a sudden I heard someone approach the door. I froze, hoping it was just the mailman or something, that’s when the top lock turned. At that same moment I flew across the living room, literally flew, turning the lock just in time to save the night/ surprise/ everything! OMG. How was I going to keep him out of the apartment without making him totally suspicious and ruining everything?! He wasn’t supposed to be home until 6:30 that night, he was over an hour early! The plan was to meet downstairs, I would bring the bikes and from there we would ride to the LACMA for “jazz on the lawn” and return at 8:30 in time for the great reveal… I had to think quick. Of course right when I locked the door and refused to let him in, he demanded to know what was going on. After going back and forth I pleaded with him to promise me something, he reluctantly said, “Yes.” I said, ” Good, you have to promise NOT to ask ANY questions, but there is NO WAY you are getting into this apartment until after the LACMA!” He of course was confused and understandably frustrated but I didn’t care; I knew it would all be worth it soon and my looking crazy would work out to the benefit of everyone in the end. Luckily, he’s not the suspicious type and thought I was cooking him a belated birthday dinner… my masterfully designed plan was coming together beautifully, and he had no idea.
I tossed him a book to read in the courtyard as I finished up a few last minute touches. With the candles in place, the welcome note written to our guests and the key under the mat, all that was left to do was leave.
As we rode away from soon-to-be celebration central, I thought back to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything, everything seemed to be in order and once we got to the LACMA I updated our friends with our status. We snacked, enjoyed the sunset and listed to jazz as our friends gathered and prepared for our return:
After mentioning that he had been craving a serious night out with our friends (score!), we got ready to ride back. I discretely texted everyone a 3 minute warning and they assumed position, turning off the lights, lighting the Birthday candles and “shushing” each other until they heard our footsteps at the door. As we walked up the stairs he stopped to let me go ahead of him so I could welcome him to the romantic meal and scene that he thought was awaiting him. Being careful not to give anything away, I bashfully looked to the ground, as if to politely say,”No, no, no you go first,” and as he unlocked the door and slowly began to turn the knob… BAM! I hip checked him into the door and he was pelted with confetti, silly string and camera flashes as all of our friends welcomed him with the best surprise ever!!!
The fiesta was complete with ridiculously FUN, INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING friends:
Way too many laughs to count:
An adorable teddy bear balloon that I was clearly convinced was Drew… classic case of bear meets girl, girl falls in love with bear, girl and bear live happily ever after:
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And lots and lots and LOTS of love:
how to throw a surprise party, drew neumann, best birthday party, party planning, how to surprise someone, best surprise party ideas surprise party planner
Thank you to everyone who made this night so unforgettable and Happy 27th Birthday Drew!! May this year be filled with the most incredible adventures yet! I love you. So you really wanna know the secret to planning a truly awesome surprise party: sheer determination and wonderful friends.