Everything you need to know to DO CINESPIA RIGHT
cinespia, hollywood forever
It’s hard to beat summer nights in California, especially when every weekend, from May- August, the Hollywood Forever Cemetery shows some of the most iconic movies from the 1930’s to the 1990’s right under the stars along side some of the legendary ghosts of all time! Movies are projected against the west wall of the Cathedral Mausoleum, which houses the crypt of Rudolph Valentino (among others), and you can wander the beautiful grounds to discover countless other talented souls, including Judy Garland, Alfred Hitchcock and so many more!
buried at hollywood forever, johnny ramones
Creepy? At first we thought it might be, but when we went for the first time in 2011 (the summer we moved to LA) we realized that it was a total honor to be able to share such a quintessential LA movie night experience with so many awesome people, above and below ground! And now we’ve made it a point to go every year, ever since (this post was originally written in 2013 and updated August 2018):
The phenomenon, known as Cinespia, began in 2008 and attracts up to 4,000 Angelenos per screening! Here’s a great Thrillist article that talks about how Cinespia has become LA’s favorite movie theatre, and it’s definitely true because nearly EVERY screening is a SOLD OUT event!
cinespia, what is cinespia, cinespia tips
Movies we have seen include Badlands, Coming to America, Clueless (the first screening after Brittany Murphy’s passing), Big, and we were even lucky enough to get tickets to the screening of True Romance the week after Tony Scott‘s passing. Actress Patricia Arquette made an appearance and spoke of her experience working with the world-class director:
Cinespia at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, cinespia, cinespia picnic, patricia arquette, true romance, tony scott
AND when we saw Big, the actor who played the child version of Tom Hanks in the movie, David Moscow, got on stage and talked about the days when he “used to look like Tom.” If felt like we were at a slumber party with celebrities… we basically were!
david moscow big, cinespia hollywood forever
A few things to know about Cinespia to ensure you have THE BEST experience EVER:
1.Sign up for the Cinespia mailing list! That way you’re in the loop the moment the new summer calendar goes out and you can make note of what movies you don’t want to miss + message all your friends, gather your group and be sure to all buy tickets the moment they go on sale!
2.Buy your tickets online beforehand: As we said, just about every movie sells out online the week before the actual screening. There is always a handful of tickets available in person on the day of, but if you’re counting on getting your hands on one of these, be sure to arrive no later than 5:00pm, depending on the epicness of the movie being featured… or if it’s July 4th:
3.Get ready to step up your picnic game!: Think big cozy blanket to sit on (definitely with a tarp underneath as the grass is always a bit wet) + something to rest your back against (stadium chairs are the best) + candles + little picnic table + blanket to snuggle under once the movie starts + wine, beer, kombucha, movie-themed cocktails and mocktails (anything goes!) + FOOD! You don’t want to be drooling all over the incredible spreads your neighbors packed, people seriously go ALL OUT. Be sure to pack an awesome picnic loaded with all of your faves, and while you’re at it why not theme the food to match the movie?! Willy Wonkaaaaa. (Note: No dogs or BBQ’s allowed, bummer dude.)
Pizza and wine is a simple, yet perfect solution if you’re short on prep time + coolers (Pizzeria Mozza serves up the most famous pies around). And if you find you’re missing something essential, the P & J Liquor store is like 4 minutes away, they’ll get you covered with the basics + Cinespia sells some yummies of their own, but seriously some of the picnics people come up with are insane!
4.Attire: LA casual, but if you really want to do things right, dress up like a character from the movie! Think knee highs for Clueless, poodle skirts for Grease, and man, how awesome would Saturday Night Fever be! Show your Hollywood spirit, you definitely won’t be the only one.
BONUS: They always have an awesome themed photo booth and your movie-appropriate outfit will make it THAT much better… as if!
5.Arrival Time + Parking: The line begins to form in the grassy field just outside the gates at 4pm. At this time you can set up a temporary camp and begin to nosh and cheers to your heart’s desire. Being one of the first people in line means you’ll be able to set up camp right behind the VIP seating (we were right behind “Jessie” from Breaking Bad when we went to watch Big!). Tip: You can always send 1 person from your group to get there early and the rest of you join in…
The first time we went, we arrived at 4:30 and sat right behind VIP. Another time we arrived at 5:30, and were still able to score a pretty decent spot, but our group was much smaller which made it easier to squeeze our way in between blankets to lock in a spot closer to the front. If you have a large party, go earlier rather then later. The gates of the Hollywood Forever don’t open till 6:45pm, but by 5:45, there’s usually a mile long line down the sidewalk of Santa Monica Boulevard!
As for parking, you can purchase a parking pass online when you buy your ticket, which gives you a guaranteed spot onsite, but everyone in the car must have a ticket if the screening is sold out. We always opt for free street parking, which there is plenty of when we arrive between 4 and 5 pm.
Once you’re in and your camp is set up, you’re free to roam around, listen to the always awesome DJ, take photos in the photo booth or just mingle with the thousands of other Angelenos who are sharing this starry-skied LAlaland experience with you
Another one of our favorite things about Cinespia? The other movie goers! Everyone laughings, cheers, recites all the best lines from the movies, it’s… dare I say it, “EXCELLENT!”
No matter what the film (we’ve gone to a few we’ve never even heard of), there’s no doubt that there’s no place like the Hollywood Forever.